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Acoustic wave

therapy for pain management

If you suffer from chronic or acute musculoskeletal pain, scientifically proven relief is at hand with Acoustic Wave Therapy. Acoustic wave therapy is a highly advanced pain treatment solution. It is a fantastic breakthrough in regenerative medicine. It stimulates the body’s metabolism-enhancing your blood circulation activating its healing process allowing for faster tissue regeneration. There is no downtime, no anaesthesia, and no medication. It only takes 10 -20 minutes, there is no pain during treatment, and relief is instant.

The causes of Musculoskeletal pain are varied, and it affects bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Pain is caused through repetitive movements, strain, or overuse of the muscle tissues which become damaged with the wear and tear of daily activities. Other causes are sports injuries, car accidents, strains, or sprains. Symptoms are all different, depending on the person and what is causing the pain. Also, it will depend on whether the pain is chronic or acute.

Common symptoms are:

›  Localised or widespread pain that can worsen with movement
›  Tenderness
›  Weakness
›  Limited motion
›  Aching or stiffness of the whole body
›  The feeling your muscles have been overworked
›  Fatigue
›  Sleep disturbances
›  Twitching muscles

Acoustic Wave Therapy works by stimulating the tendon and bones growth factors. It stimulates the production of blood vessels meaning there is an improved blood supply to the treated area.


    Chronic inflammation occurs when the body’s inflammatory response is not completely stopped. What this means is that it can damage healthy tissue and result in chronic pain. Acoustic wave therapy restores the normal healing and regenerative process.

    Collagen plays an incredibly important part in the process of repairing damaged muscles and ligaments. Acoustic Wave Therapy stimulates the body’s collagen production.

    The calcium build-up is often the result of micro-tears or other trauma caused to the tendons. Acoustic Wave Therapy breaks up the calcification and starts the biochemical decalcification process.

    Only the injured or inflamed area needs to be treated. During the treatment, there is a pulsing sensation, which sometimes can feel a little uncomfortable, but worth the discomfort.

    It also releases trigger points that are often the major cause of back pain, neck pain, shoulder and limb pain. The trigger points are nodules in tight bands of muscle fibres. The nodules contract so tightly that they begin to cut off their own blood supply. This causes waste products such as lactic acid to build up causing irritation of the sensory nerve endings.

    At Melbourne’s Instant Laser Clinic Acoustic wave therapy is used frequently to treat minor injuries such as Plantar Fasciitis, heel spurs, frozen neck, frozen shoulder and tennis elbow as well as chronic pain. Our highly experienced Myotherapist who has undergone intense training for all aspects of Acoustic wave therapy, cupping, and skin needling is here to consult you.

    80 % of patients found a significant reduction or complete eradication of pain.

    Pain relief although instant does not mean the injury has completely healed. Allow 6-8 weeks for a complete repair. The results last 6 -12 months depending on how carefully you look after your injury in the weeks following treatment and how healthily you live from then on.


    What is shock wave therapy?

    Acoustic wave therapy or AWT is the non-invasive (non-surgical) therapeutic use of high-intensity sound waves for the treatment of chronic orthopedic problems such as; Heel Spurs, Plantar fasciitis, frozen neck, back, and shoulder. It is designed to stimulate the healing process and reducing local inflammation.*


    *Individual results may vary.

    What problems can it treat?

    ›  Heel pain due to plantar fasciitis or heel spur syndrome
    ›  Achilles tendinitis
    ›  Non-healing fractures of the foot (and other parts of the body)
    ›  Jumpers knee (infra-patellar tendonitis)
    ›  Tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow
    ›  Calcific tendonitis of the shoulder

    Can anyone with plantar fasciitis or heel spur pain be treated with AWT?

    This procedure is indicated in the treatment of chronic Heel Spurs Pain and Plantar Fasciitis. That is people who have had heel pain for at least six months and have continued to have pain after conservative treatment.


    Before having AWT, you should have been treated unsuccessfully with at least two or three of the following conservative modalities:
    ›  Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pills (Aspirin, Naprosyn, Ibuprofen, etc.)
    ›  Supportive tapings or strappings
    ›  Orthotics
    ›  Cortisone injections
    ›  Physiotherapy
    ›  Below-knee casting
    ›  Night splints


    If you have not had conservative treatment, we will be happy to discuss it with you and provide it for you.

    What are the other advantages of acoustic wave therapy?

    The acoustic wave therapy technology can also be used to alleviate the following injuries and pain:*

    ›  Tennis elbow*
    ›  Heel spurs*
    ›  Shoulder pain including frozen shoulder*
    ›  Back pain*
    ›  Achilles tendon injuries*


    *Individual results may vary.

    Who should NOT have AWT?

    This treatment may NOT be suitable if you:

    ›  Are pregnant
    ›  Have epilepsy
    ›  Have an existing skin, allergy, coagulation, or hormonal health condition
    ›  Have undergone surgery in the last six months


    *Individual results may vary.

    What Are the Side Effects?

    Unlike other treatments and invasive fat reduction techniques such as liposuction, the side effects of acoustic wave therapy are minimal to non-existent.* The treatment simply accelerates your body’s natural healing and fat removal processes.*


    *Individual results may vary.

    Does AWT hurt?

    Some people may experience discomfort for several days. This will lessen over time. We suggest you to take an inflammatory (if you are not allergic) in case you need it. Please reduce your activities for a few days after treatment.*


    *Individual results may vary.

    Are there potential complications with AWT?

    There are no known significant complications with AWT. Some people may get localized bruising. Other people will feel discomfort for a period of time. Compared to surgery, AWT is a safer alternative and should be considered before having surgery.*


    *Individual results may vary.

    How soon will I notice improvement?

    In most cases, healing may take six weeks to three months. However, some people will notice an improvement within three weeks, others may take six months.*


    *Individual results may vary.

    How many treatments will I need?

    Most people will only need 4-10 treatments, once or twice a week. Some people may benefit from a course of 4-6 sessions or less once or twice a week.*


    *Individual results may vary.


    Starts from $85 per session

    The total cost will depend on the size of the area you are treating and the number of sessions you require. A course of 4-6 treatments, once or twice a week is recommended.

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    Call us today at 1300 566 546 to book an appointment!


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